What Makes a Good Website or Blog
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I have been building websites and blog sites since way back in the 1990’s. I have also spent an unbelievable amount of time looking at different websites and blogs ever since I first got online and started browsing since the early 90’s.
Over the years I have seen a countless number of websites and blogs, both good and bad. Since I have spent so much of my lifetime online looking at so many different website I often get asked, what makes a good website or blog? My usual answer to that question is, you can just tell if one is good by going to it and looking around!
Since I usually give an answer that really doesn’t give much information to whoever asks me what makes a website or blog good, I thought that maybe I should outline some of the key things that help me in my judgment on how good a website or blog is.
Since I usually give an answer that really doesn’t give much information to whoever asks me what makes a website or blog good, I thought that maybe I should outline some of the key things that help me in my judgment on how good a website or blog is.
I’m only human so if a site I am looking at is just plain ugly then that will figure into what I think about that site in the big picture. So for me (and most people), a good looking website or blog can score some points in the right direction. If a particular site is just plain ugly, then that site will lose points in my mind.
After passing an initial judgment in the visual appeal of a website or blog, I then look at its design and its overall layout. If I am on a particular site and it is designed well and laid out so that everything looks like it belongs in that particular spot then that is a big plus in my eyes. On the other hand, if a site looks poorly designed and it is laid out poorly then that is a big minus to me.
After the things I listed above are examined I then look at how well that particular website functions. If I click on a link, button, etc., does the proper action that I am expecting take place? Does everything take you where it is supposed to take you? Do all other features of that particular site function as it should?
If the site operates exactly as it is intended to then that’s another big plus in my book. If it doesn’t function well, then that particular site is losing valuable points to me. I mean, why have a website or blog that doesn’t function right? Would you or I like to be navigating / using a particular site that doesn’t operate how it’s supposed to be operating? Of course the answer to that question is NO!
The last major thing that I look at when deciding on if I think a particular website or blog is good is how much thought I think the owner of that particular site put into designing and creating it. Did the site owner think about the factors I mentioned above? Did the site owner think about the many aspects of building a site or did that owner just slap something up just for the sake of having a website or blog?
There are so many different aspects on how I pass judgment on a given website or blog that I can’t really list everything I look at. However, the few major things that I listed above are the main factors that I think about when deciding if I think that particular site is a good one or not.
In summary, here are the main things I look at:
1. How nice does a website or blog look and is it visually appealing?
2. Is the site designed and laid out properly?
3. Does the site function as it is supposed to and does everything work as it should?
4. Did the owner of the website or blog put some thought into it?
These are the main things that I look at when deciding on if I think a website or blog is a good one or not. There are also many other different things that I look at, depending on the website and what its intended purpose is that vary from one type of site to another.
We are all different and some people might place more value on one thing or another when they are deciding on if they think a site is a good one or if it isn’t. There are also other things that each individual person might like or not like in regards to a site they are visiting.
Everyone is different on how they pass judgment on a particular site. As for me, I look at the things pointed out above since they are what I consider vital points of a good website. Keep these things listed above in mind the next time you are looking at a website or blog and see if the things I look at are the same things you look at as well.
Good luck and may you reach the Apex in your Niche!
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