Top 5 SEO Mistakes of Website and Blog Owners
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If you are a website or blog owner then one term that you more than likely hear all the time is SEO. The term SEO gets thrown around a lot because SEO is an important part of the success of every website and blog site.
If you don’t know what SEO stands for, it is short for Search Engine Optimization. In order for a website or blog to rank as high as possible in the search engine indexes then some form of SEO should be used. (If you would like more information on why SEO is important, read THIS)
If you use good SEO techniques, methods and practices which is called White Hat SEO, then your website or blog will improve in the search engines results pages in a web search and it will stay in the higher rankings.
If you use bad SEO techniques and practices which is called Black Hat SEO, then your website or blog might get a boost in the rankings at first but later down the road will probably cause your site to decrease in the search rankings, or even get a penalty and be removed from the search engines indexes.
In order for your website or blog to rank as high as possible you will need to try to avoid the common SEO mistakes that many website and blog owners make. We have put together our top 5 list of SEO mistakes that website and blog owners do in order to help you avoid these more common mistakes. Take a look at our list below and see if you are making any of these common SEO mistakes.
Top 5 SEO mistakes of Website and Blog Owners
1. Using cheap SEO services that use Black Hat SEO techniques – This is the top SEO mistake that most website and blog site owners do. They have decided that they want to SEO their site and instead of paying for good quality SEO, they skimp and use a cheap service that either uses Black Hat SEO techniques because they can sometimes achieve results faster, or whoever is providing the SEO service doesn’t really know the difference between good and bad SEO.
2. Expecting SEO results to take effect immediately – If you use good SEO techniques or a services that provide White Hat SEO then the results will not happen immediately as many people think they will. Good SEO takes a little time to show its affects but will last over time. Although some SEO techniques will have a sooner impact than others, overall good SEO can take weeks or sometimes longer to take full effect. The search engines judge a website on its past as well as its current state.
3. Having Thin Content – This is one mistake that many people and business do. When adding the content to your website or blog, make sure it is high quality content. Make sure that your articles, stories, posting, etc. are not too short. Try to have these things longer than 500 words and preferably higher than that. Also, include some pictures in your articles, stories, postings and so on.
4. Keyword Stuffing – If you don’t know what keyword stuffing is, it’s the practice of using the same keyword over and over again as many times as possible in a single article, story, posting or page. This used to be a useful SEO technique but in recent years the major search engines like Google and Bing have started penalizing websites and blogs that have an abnormally high ratio of a certain keyword.
5. Poor Quality or Bad Backlinks – Building backlinks (links from other websites or blogs to your site) to your website or blog can definitely help its rankings in the search engine results pages but only if they are good quality backlinks. Quality backlinks doesn’t just mean from a good quality site, but also from a site that is relevant to the same field / niche that your site is in. If the links you build are from sites that have nothing to do with your site then the search engines see these as irrelevant and not appropriate backlinks so they can penalize your site.
There are many more SEO mistakes the website and blog owners make and we will cover more of those in the future, but these are some of the top SEO mistakes that are very common among website and blog owners.
Take a good look at this list and compare it to your SEO techniques and practices and see if you can improve your website or blog by eliminating these top 5 common SEO mistakes.
Good Luck and may your website or blog reach the Apex in its Niche!
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