The Benefits of using Managed WordPress Hosting

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There are many different types of web hosting available for people and businesses to use to host their WordPress websites or blogs. Most of the many different types of web hosting that are available can be used to host a vast variety of website types.


These many web hosting services are not optimized for WordPress though so using traditional types of web hosting will not afford you some of the benefits that could be had with specialized WordPress web hosting called “Managed WordPress Hosting”.

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If you don’t know what WordPress is, in non-geek terminology it is an open source (free for anyone to use) website and blog building software that is used to create, maintain, optimize, control, edit and update a website or blog site. WordPress is the most widely used content management system (CMS) used today and there are millions of sites built using WordPress.


Since there are some many sites around the world that are using WordPress many web hosting service provider have started offering specialized WordPress web hosting called “Managed WordPress Hosting“. This type of web hosting is a type of hosting service that only works for WordPress based websites and blogs.

managed wordpress web hosting,wordpress hosting

This type of hosting is highly optimized to ensure that a WordPress site performs the best it possibly can and some of the tasks that are usually done by the site owner themselves are now done by the hosting service provider.



In this type of web hosting service all the technical aspects of operating WordPress is managed and maintained by the hosting provider. This service allows people, businesses, internet marketers and others to keep their mind on their personal, business and other tasks since they don’t get stuck doing the technical upkeep and needs of their WordPress site.

(To learn why Good Web Hosting is Important, Read This)

pros and cons,pros,cons

To help you better understand what Managed WordPress Hosting is, here are some of the top Pros and Cons of using managed WordPress hosting:


We’ll start with the Pros first.


1. Super-Fast Speed and Performance – This type of hosting is very fast in its operation even with a high amount of traffic or viewers on your website. This is because Managed WordPress Hosting is specially tuned for websites using WordPress software and has some server hardware and software that is specifically setup to improve the performance of WordPress sites.


2. Highly Secure – This type of hosting is usually optimized to protect against all types of hackers, DDoS attacks, viruses and other malware and uses a high-tech scanning system which blocks anything harmful like unwanted viruses and hacking attempts.


3. Assistance – This type of web hosting offers the assistance of WordPress experts who aid the owner of the website with useful data on how to keep up their site performance and how to solve any problems that arise. This is one of the better advantages of using managed WordPress hosting.


4. Backup Options – It also offers the option of backing up of your data on the web servers in case a problem arises and you need a backup restored quickly. This is great to help in case there is an emergency or loss of site data.


5. Regular Updates – You will also get regular updates for things such as your WordPress plugins, themes, core and other software and it will usually keep you notified of new features and with potential viruses or other threats which can cause harm to your site. This means that you do not need to download and do updates yourself as it has an option for automatic updates.


Now for some Cons.


1. Expensive – It is a little more expensive when compared to some other traditional forms of web hosting like shared hosting. The price difference is more at some Managed WordPress Hosting providers then with others and it usually depends on the quality of their service as well as the features that they provide.


2. No Control in Server Management – There is not usually much that you can do as far as making modifications to your web server since this responsibility is with the host themselves. However, that is what you would usually want when buying a Managed WordPress Hosting service which helps with the stress-free management of your website or blog.


(We Recommend Pressable and WP Engine Managed WordPress Hosting)

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Managed WordPress Hosting is certainly much better in comparison to a traditional web hosting service like shared web hosting. On those types of web hosting services there are hundreds and most often, thousands of users that are using the same web server and its available server resources which can cause many different problems.


On most Managed WordPress Hosting services there are usually less sites that are being hosted on the same web server which is better for your site.


One main problem with traditional shared web hosting is that there is a more limited amount of memory which is shared by all sites on that particular server and that can cause slower page loading times.


On this type of hosting it essentially means that if one of the websites is consuming more memory than its allotted share then other websites on that server will suffer with slower loading times and poor performance of the site. Managed WordPress Hosting is better in this aspect since there are usually less sites per web server and the higher hosting price is certainly worth the added costs.


We hope that you have a good understanding of what Managed WordPress Hosting is and what the benefits are in using this type of hosting.


Sure there is an added cost for using this type of web hosting but given the performance increases, stress and task reductions as well as several other benefits, we feel that this type of specialized web hosting is a great option for many people and businesses that are using WordPress on their website or blog.



Good Luck and may you reach the Apex in your Niche!


(Get more Information about WordPress Hosting)

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