Optimize Your Affiliate Advertising Revenue

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If you have a website or blog and you have affiliate advertisements on your site as a form of monetization then you want to make the most money off of those ads. After all, the point of having ads placed on your website or blog is to make money from those advertisements.


If you are looking to make a living from your site or you just want to make enough money to cover the site’s expenses, maximizing the revenue those advertisements make is one of your goals. This article will cover some topics that will help you do just that, maximize your affiliate ad revenue.


affiliate-marketing-advertising-optimize-optimise-revenue-earnings-money-income-tips-help-guide-free-informationAffiliate ads are a great way to make some cash from your site, no matter what that cash is used for. So to get the most revenue you will want to do a few key things to help bring the most possible money in from those affiliate advertisements. Using the best advertising on your site will help your efforts become more fruitful.


First thing you should always do when you are wanting to place affiliate ads on your website or blog is to make sure that those ads are offering products or services that are in relation to your site’s particular niche. If you have a wedding reception related site you surely won’t want to have affiliate ads for hunting and fishing equipment! So then youaffiliate advertising tips,affiliate marketing tips will need to make sure that your affiliate ads are for products or services that are wedding and/or wedding reception related. Say perhaps some affiliate advertising for custom invitations, wine and/or fruit gift baskets, travel services and other things that might be needed by a visitor to your website or blog.


Next thing to consider is the ad placement, size and quantity of the ads that you will be placing on your site. Think about this from a potential visitors point of view. Most visitors will get discouraged if your affiliate ads are plastered everywhere and finding the information they came to your site for in the first place is hard to find clearly. Try to be tasteful with your ads and if possible try to use ads that blend well with your sites colors so there is a smooth feel to your site instead of a cheap blocky feel.


website-blog-site-affiliate-marketing-advertising-optimize-optimise-revenue-earnings-money-income-tips-help-guide-free-informationI have found that from personal experience that placing the affiliate advertisements on the left and right sides in the sidebar locations works best. This way your site visitors can easily find the information they are looking for in the center of the page and the ads on the side might catch their eye as they are reading that information. Who knows, they might even click on that ad and make a purchase of a product or service thus making you money.


Now one thing that can drive a visitor away from your website or blog, quite possibly never to return is too many affiliate ads plastered all over your page. Think about it like this, if you were looking for some information and you went to a website and the first thing that came to mind is WOW, there are a lot of ads here!


Would you spend much time trying to weed through those ads just to find what you are looking for? Probably not, there are way too many other websites on the internet with the information that you are looking for. So my point is to just place your ads at key points on your site and do it tastefully. That way the users of your website or blog remember it in a good light and might possibly return in the future.


The last thing I want to talk about in this article is ad placement and advertiser experimenting with advertising,affiliate advertising experimentsexperimentation. Now there is no magic layout or certain advertiser that works best on every site so the best thing you can do is experiment with what works best on your particular site. Try using affiliate advertisers that you think will work best for the niche your site is in. Try maybe 2 months or so using a certain type of advertiser and if those are not producing the desired results, then try another for the next 2 months and see which works best. The same goes for the placement of those ads. Try certain locations and then try other locations and keep track of which spots produce the most affiliate money.


I wish I could say that there is a magic formula that works for all websites and blogs when it comes to how, what and where affiliate advertisements produce the most money. Unfortunately though, there is not.


However if you use the tips I spoke about above you will find positive results and from there you can continue to expand on what exactly works best on your site when it comes to affiliate advertising revenue.


Good Luck and may your website or blog reach the Apex in its Niche!


(Choosing the right Affiliate Marketing Programs can help you to make the most money)

(Disclosure: We may earn a commission from purchases made from some links at no cost to you.)


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