Top 5 Best Web Hosting Features
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Having good top-quality web hosting for your website or blog is a very important aspect of a successful site and one that is often underestimated in importance. There are many different reasons why people and businesses underestimate the importance of the web hosting that they use for their site.
The most common reason why the importance of good web hosting is not thought of as being so important is that many people do not know exactly what they should look for in a web hosting service provider and they do not realize the level of impact the hosting a site uses will have on its success.
In order to help people and business out, we are going to outline the most important web hosting features that should be looked for in a potential web host.
Keep in mind that there are many more features that people should look for depending on what their specific needs are but these are the best web hosting features that most people and businesses should look for when searching for their new web hosting service.
Best Web Hosting Features
1. Quality Customer Support – Whether or not you are a beginner seeking your first web hosting service for your new website or blog or if you are an advanced and seasoned web hosting guru, you are going to need customer support at some point. Having a web host that has fast and professional customer service can really make a lot of things easier for you as a customer. You don’t want to wait until your site is down to find out that the web hosting service that you are using has slow and incompetent customer service.
2. High Uptime Guarantee – Having your site down can negatively affect its success in more ways that you may think. If people try to go and visit your site and it is down they may leave and never return again. You may also lose out on potential sales, leads or other things that you are trying to accomplish with your site. It can also hurt your rankings in the search engines because if they see your site is down too often their algorithms may lower the ranking of your website or blog and that alone can cost you losses in traffic. (More benefits of having better uptime can be read HERE)
3. Amount of Resources – Having an adequate amount of resources for your site to run properly is something that you should make sure any web host offers in any hosting plan you are considering buying. Make sure there is enough storage space, RAM, CPU allocation and bandwidth allowance so that your site will operate without crashing or running slow.
4. Easy to Use Control Panel – This is something that is very important, especially for beginners. Having an easy to use control panel that any needed documentation and help information can easily be found can really help to make doing the needed maintenance and other tasks that your web hosting may need can be a real benefit. We recommend using a web host that offers cPanel because it is easy to use for anyone and is packed full of great features.
5. Good Reputation and Customer Reviews – This is something that is often overlooked or not though about by people before they buy their web hosting service. Many people will see advertisements around the web on some top websites and assume that the hosting service is good because they see them on these top sites. This is often not the case so make sure to try to find some good, honest and unbiased web hosting reviews and/or customer ratings before you buy any web hosting services.
Although there are many things that play a role in whether or not a web host is a good one, the top web hosting features that we listed above are the ones that will be the most important ones that most people and businesses should look for in any potential web hosting service provider.
Take your time, do some reading and research before you buy any web hosting service and you will help yourself avoid some potential headaches that could arise from using a bad web host.
Good luck and may your website or blog reach the Apex in its Niche!
(Learn more about why it’s important to have good web hosting.)
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